Regular Church Meetings

(private groups also meet regularly at our premises including Barrow upon Soar Guides, two theatre groups, a karate group and playgroup)

DayMeetingTimeFurther Information and Contact Details
MondayNew Horizons2.00 pm New Horizons Group (for the bereaved)
(1st Monday of the month)
MondaySharing Scripture Bible Study7.30 pmA weekly Bible Study that is run by our friends from the Catholic Church
TuesdayMen's Supper Group7.30 pmMens Supper Group (supper and social)
(3rd Tuesday of the month)
WednesdayCuppa & Chatter2.30 pmCuppa & Chatta (Social group for all)
(3rd Wednesday of the month)
WednesdayFun@Church3.15 pm -
4.30 pm
Fun@Church (a fun time of activities, learning and food)
(4th Wednesday of the month)
WednesdayLadies Circle7.30 pmLadies Circle (activities, speakers and social)
(alternate Wednesdays)
ThursdayBible Study
7.30 pm
Bible Study
(alternate Thursdays)
Please refer to the weekly notice sheet for confirmation of location
SaturdayCoffee Morning and Mini Mart10.00 am -
11.00 am

Mini Market and Coffee Morning
Clothes, Cakes, Books, Bric-a-Brac, Cakes, Preserves, Plants
Coffee/Tea and Refreshments
(1st Saturday of the month)

SaturdayCraft & Crochet
2.00 pm - 
4.00 pm

Craft & Crochet
(3rd Saturday of the month)

SundaySunday Worship10.15 am

Sunday morning worship